Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My second new favorite thing: rhinestones!

My first burlesque outfit was almost entirely beaded, and it was lovely. But this time I wanted a little more bling so I set out on my first adventure in rhinestones.

Let me tell you, those little buggers are expensive. 

I bought 8 different colors ranging from deep red to pale yellow. It's a summer themed show and number so I wanted to pull in the fiery colors of a summer sunset.  All in all I ended up with a litter over 850 rhinestones (6 half gross and 3 full gross sets for all you craft people). 

And then... I put them on everything. I put them on my pasties. I put them on my bra and I even put then on my gloves. They will also be on my undies but I haven't finished those yet. 

I'm so excited to see how everything looks on stage!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My New Favorite Things: Pasties

So as you already know I have started doing burlesque.  I had my first show back in May and it was amazing.  I can't even being to describe how exhilarating the whole experience was.  I thought I would be nervous but as soon as I stepped onto the stage I knew it was where I meant to be.  And as I danced the crowed hollered and hooted and it just was this fantastic energy that I couldn't get enough of. 

But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

No, what I'm here to talk about is my new found love of pasties.  I love making them, looking at them, the very concept of them.  A pastie can just be a decorative aspect to the costume or it can be the punchline.  And my crafting skills have not let me down. 

Behold the seashell pasties from my first show!

These were completely hand sewn.  I started with a basic 3in circle and drew the seashell shape around/within it.  The basic form is made out of stiff felt and a little wedge cut out of the top allows for the curved shape.

Then I covered it in silver sequence and strung magenta beads to make the outline (they matched the dress).  I then glued in a linking of soft knit.  I was so exceptionally proud of them and they were a big hit!

And now, my most current creation!

This one is just a simple circle but it has all the rhinestones!  I'm super excited about this number and it's my first time playing with rhinestones.  They've taken a bit of getting used to but ultimately I love the sparkle that they add to the costume. 

I look forward to making many more of these little beauties!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Adventures in Burlesque

An actual update?  What!?  I know it's crazy but I promise it's true.  I am currently working on my first burlesque number and while I won't tell you anymore than that (you'll just have to come see the performance ;) ) I will give you some sneak peaks into the costume.

Here are some preliminary sketches:
So one thing I am looking forward to is underwear shopping!  Obviously I won't find the perfect fringed undies, that just doesn't happen.  Instead I intend to find a set that is as close to the color of my dress as I can, which will mean some shade of red.  Maybe they'll have lacies...maybe I'll add some.  Once I've got a good base I intend to add silver beaded fringe.  And yes it will be hand sewn because I am a crazy person. 

The dress is one that I already owned.  At first I was just going to leave it be, but this is burlesque.  Everything needs a touch of extra sparkle!  I also wanted to better tie the dress into the rest of the ensemble.  I want it to look like it was all meant to go together.  Because I'm fancy like that.  So I decided to take my already lovely and shiny magenta dress and add some silver beaded details to it.  Not only will it make it that much more magnificent but it will also be that little detail that I think really brings everything together. 

While I've still got some time before I actually get on the stage I didn't want to wait on getting everything together.  Beading isn't particularly difficult but it is time consuming and very detail oriented.  Since I don't have the underwear yet I have started working on the dress.  Last night I got one line done (w00t!).  Basically this is what will consume all my free time now.  Really, I think I'm a bit of a masochist.  I mean seriously.  I'll most more pictures as the work progresses.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Of Things to Come

I know that this blog is lacking some serious posts, but unfortunately the chronicle is winding down and so I've had to resist the urge to make or buy anything new.  From a creative standpoint that may sound strange but it's heart breaking to pour hours of hard work into something that will hardly have any time for use before it's shoved into the back of the closet never to be seen again.  This has already become the fate of the lovely scale dress.  I had hoped it would get one more outing but sadly it's no longer skin tight and I didn't have time to take it in before the convention.

Now the good news:
While I don't currently have any projects planned for LARP this is a costuming blog not specific to any one sort of costuming.  Aside from bellydance I have recently taken up burlesque.  And what calls for better costumes than burlesque?  It's a world full of rhinestones, beads, sequence and feathers.  Even a store bought dress is just the beginning of something that has to be glitzed and glammed to the fullest extent.

I am currently working on my first number which means there will soon be updates.  Exciting isn't it!?  I've already done some sketches of how I think the outfit will pull together so keep your eyes peeled for new posts.  

Friday, January 18, 2013


So as you might imagine this post is all about fabric!  More specifically this post is about fabric I own.  Some need projects, some have projects.  Let's see what we have shall we?  They appear in no particular order.

This is a deep burgundy stretch velvet.  I've got about a yard of it and I have no idea what to do with it.  I love the color though so it's why I haven't given it away yet.

This is a light cream colored stretch knit.  It's what I made my Cleopatra inspired Anat costume out of ( Seen here ).  I bought way too much of it so I have several yards of it.  I've said that I will make a choli out of it, but I've not other plans and that doesn't take much.

This is actually a sari.  I have two of them that are exactly the same so I thought that I might use the fabric of one to make something else.  It's sheer red with glittery roses all over it.  No ideas as of yet.

This is a fun patterned cotton that I have about a yard of.  I used it originally to make a top to my gypsy costume.  It no longer fits, but I've also purchased others since them.  I think that this will still become part of a costume for the renaissance festival I just haven't decided exactly what yet.

I bought a yard of this silk ages ago.  It's black with jewel toned butterflies all over it.  I want to use it for a corset...
Now I just have to teach myself how to make corsets.  This is one of my goals for the new year!!


Another colorful striped cotton.  This is one (of several) fabrics that I got from my roommate.  I think it will also work well for ren faire costuming.

This is a gorgeous dark green satin.  I think I have about 5 yards of it.  It was bought for a project that never got finished.  That being said I'm very glad to have it.  It will become an elegant gown for my new PC next chronicle.

This is a dark green cotton twill.  It's another that I have no ideas for.  But it's a pretty color and I'm sure I'll think of something.  Roughly 5 yards.

A stretch velveteen that I only have scraps of, but I couldn't let it pass me by!  I foresee Burlesque costuming with this.  It's pink and green and sparkly!

This is a beautiful orange silk.  It will become a ghawazee coat.

This is a green and gold something or other.  I actually have no idea what the fabric is.  It's very stiff, but the color and pattern are quite lovely.  I have no idea what it will become.
Just some grey blue terry cloth.  I'm thinking bathrobe!!

I have probably 5 or so yards of these two and they are both the same fabric (blue/black stretch velvet) only one has butterflies and one has dragonflies.

Silver crinkle! I have about a yard.

Silver stretch velvet (yes, another one).  About 5 yards.  It will also probably become a gown for my new PC.

This is a cotton with a winter berry pattern.  I probably have enough for a cute little dress or could be combined with some of the others for a wintery Changeling.

A pretty leafy linen in pale blue.  Either combined for the wintery Changeling or on it's own.

The picture on the left is of a pale pink linen with embroidered flowers.  It will become a dress (probably pillowcase style) for my baby niece!

The picture on the right is a soft fleecy fabric that will be a baby blanket for the same little one.  It's way more than I need so I don't know what else yet.

Pale pink satin.  I imagine it will become something for Burlesque. 

More silvery sparkles.  Only about a yard.  Possible winter Changeling.  Or maybe Burlesque.  I suppose we'll see won't we. 

Here are all the fabrics that I felt might be layered in a costume for a winter Changeling.  Something in the style of a kimono or that at least has a similar feel.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Courtesan: Part 2

Sometimes projects go unfinished or changes are never made.  When I posted pictures of the finished courtesan gown I remarked on a few things that I would adjust for the next time I wore it.  I decided to wear this dress again for a different event and I actually made the alterations that I posited.  Here are pictures of the gown in its current incarnation.

Photographer: Marie Arledge

One of the first changes I made was to take some of the fullness out of the skirt.  I feel like it hangs much better now than it did originally.  The fullness of the original dress made it a little poofy rather than letting in hang long which was the look I was going for.

The decision to add chains across the back was purely aesthetic.  I was happy with how the back of the dress turned out originally but I feel like the chains just add a little something. 

Now it seems that the only problem I have is that the dress is too big!  This isn't necessarily a bad problem but it means I either have to make more alterations to it or retire it.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Scale Dress: Finished Project

First off, apologies for the lack of updates in so long.  I just recently got pictures done of the Snake Dress and the new designs of the Courtesan Dress.  Otherwise I haven't had any new projects to speak of so thus the reason for no posting.

All photos were taken by the lovely and talented Marie Arledge.

With the help of my wonderful and very patient roommate we were able to fit the dress perfectly.  I sewed a bra into the top to help with support.  Originally I planned for it to be high necked like the lace dress but instead I allowed the natural fold of the neckline stand.  It created a really nice look and ultimately I think that a high collar would have been a little too overwhelming. 
My original thought was to lace up the back.  I was going to use a gold-ish chord and large eyelets but I didn't find anything that really matched the way I wanted it to.  I bought some pieces that would work but I wasn't really happy with them.  I mulled over it as I made the dress because the closure would be one of the last things I worried about.  I finally settled on a V with some chain detail.  As you can see it works, though I think it throws off the fit of the dress a bit and I'm not entirely pleased with the final result.  The dress was a success and it certainly worked for the con.  And of course, we are always our own worst critics.

Recently though it's really been bothering me.  I want the dress to fit better across the waist and the bust like it did in the original fittings (in progress photo for reference).  My thoughts on how to achieve this are:

1) My hope is to redo the back entirely.  This means buying more fabric if it is still available.  I shouldn't need that much (1yd, maybe 2).  If I re-cut and sew the back I will probably do a hidden zipper and forgo any back detail.  I think the dress will still be quite elegant.

2) In the case that there isn't more of this fabric I have a couple of thoughts.
           a. The first is to do an insert with some criss-crossing straps and one of those heavy metal zippers up the center for accent.  It's not my first choice but it will do in the event that option 1 doesn't work out.
           b.The other is to do just criss-crossing straps made out of an elastic OR do chain detail that's tight (not pulling but like the top chain) and then put in a hidden zipper up the side for getting in and out of it. 

Man I really need to work on my drawing skills so I can give you a better idea of what's in my head.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Atlanta by Night: The Scale Dress (Fabric)

The other day Vic and I were shopping for fabric so that I can make him a red cassock for AbN.  I didn't really have the money to get the fabric for my scale dress but I figured that since we were there I might as well take a look up and down the aisles to at least get an idea of what I might be able to use to create the look I wanted for the dress.  Little did I know that I was about to encounter my soul-mate of fabrics.  I had seen a couple of gold silks that were lovely but as I rounded the corner of the third or fourth row I came face to face with the most glorious fabric I could ever imagine.  It was perfect.  Gold and bronze and snake-scaled.  I was in love.  I knew that my AbN dress had to be made from this fabric and there was no way it could be any different.  So I looked at the price (30% off of 12.99/yd) and began to think of the quickest way to get this amazing fabric in my life.  Vic offered to split half the cost with me as part of my birthday present and I was confident that I could come up with the other half with no problem.  Success...sort of. 


Friday I came home to a birthday surprise.  5 yards of the very same fabric I coveted.  Best. birthday. present. EVAR!

How amazing is this fabric!!!!

Four exclamation points.  That's how amazing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Atlanta by Night: The Scale Dress

So originally I had not planned to make anything new for Atlanta by Night.  Partly because I hadn't really been inspired, partly because of saving money and partly because I've made so many wonderful things that I want to wear again.

Well, lovely people, as you can imagine I wouldn't be writing this post if I hadn't changed my mind.  The dress that I will be making will be inspired by one of the gowns worn by Dame Vaako in The Chronicles of Riddick.  It's all Vic's fault.  Apparently it was on AMC today and he told me that Anat needed her gold dress.  I looked up pictures and immediately concluded that he was right.


Luckily the dresses construction should be fairly simple.  The design is exactly like the lace dress, but with different fabric.  I'd love to do the spine plates but I'm not sure what I would make them out of.  I may try to come up with something that will have a similar effect. of the dress.

 I've uploaded this picture because you can see the back of the dress (the middle one) fairly well.  Now I just need to figure out exactly how I want to accomplish this look.
 The full dress.  I'll have to find some neat jewelry to go with it as well.  Hmmm...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who Needs Clothes?

I like to think of myself as a fairly crafty person.  Not everything that I make is clothing.  Sometimes I like to to try my hand at other things as well.  In my bellydance post I mentioned that my style is tribal fusion.  One of my favorite things about the style is the accessories they wear with their costuming.  It's a neat mix of goth/roaring 20s/tribal topped off with some giant silk flowers. 

<-- This is a close up of the detail of one of the hair falls I made

 This is what the full fall looks like.  It's about three feet long. -->

I made a matching set of these.  They are fairly simple.  The top is four-strand braided down to and in between the cowrie shells.  The bells came from so old anklets I had.  They add a nice little jingle but nothing too extreme.  I plan to make more of these in the future and experiment with different lengths and styles.

I am really pleased with how the headband turned out.  The base is just a white headband with gold accents threaded in the design.  I found it at Hobby Lobby as well as the flowers.  I had the long chains left over from when I made by scale bra and the little bit of metal you see on the other side is an old gypsy earring I owned.  I just sewed everything onto the headband and it came out quite lovely.   I also plan to make more of these, again in varying colors and styles.

To see these two pieces worn with an outfit see the last picture in my bellydance post.