Friday, January 18, 2013


So as you might imagine this post is all about fabric!  More specifically this post is about fabric I own.  Some need projects, some have projects.  Let's see what we have shall we?  They appear in no particular order.

This is a deep burgundy stretch velvet.  I've got about a yard of it and I have no idea what to do with it.  I love the color though so it's why I haven't given it away yet.

This is a light cream colored stretch knit.  It's what I made my Cleopatra inspired Anat costume out of ( Seen here ).  I bought way too much of it so I have several yards of it.  I've said that I will make a choli out of it, but I've not other plans and that doesn't take much.

This is actually a sari.  I have two of them that are exactly the same so I thought that I might use the fabric of one to make something else.  It's sheer red with glittery roses all over it.  No ideas as of yet.

This is a fun patterned cotton that I have about a yard of.  I used it originally to make a top to my gypsy costume.  It no longer fits, but I've also purchased others since them.  I think that this will still become part of a costume for the renaissance festival I just haven't decided exactly what yet.

I bought a yard of this silk ages ago.  It's black with jewel toned butterflies all over it.  I want to use it for a corset...
Now I just have to teach myself how to make corsets.  This is one of my goals for the new year!!


Another colorful striped cotton.  This is one (of several) fabrics that I got from my roommate.  I think it will also work well for ren faire costuming.

This is a gorgeous dark green satin.  I think I have about 5 yards of it.  It was bought for a project that never got finished.  That being said I'm very glad to have it.  It will become an elegant gown for my new PC next chronicle.

This is a dark green cotton twill.  It's another that I have no ideas for.  But it's a pretty color and I'm sure I'll think of something.  Roughly 5 yards.

A stretch velveteen that I only have scraps of, but I couldn't let it pass me by!  I foresee Burlesque costuming with this.  It's pink and green and sparkly!

This is a beautiful orange silk.  It will become a ghawazee coat.

This is a green and gold something or other.  I actually have no idea what the fabric is.  It's very stiff, but the color and pattern are quite lovely.  I have no idea what it will become.
Just some grey blue terry cloth.  I'm thinking bathrobe!!

I have probably 5 or so yards of these two and they are both the same fabric (blue/black stretch velvet) only one has butterflies and one has dragonflies.

Silver crinkle! I have about a yard.

Silver stretch velvet (yes, another one).  About 5 yards.  It will also probably become a gown for my new PC.

This is a cotton with a winter berry pattern.  I probably have enough for a cute little dress or could be combined with some of the others for a wintery Changeling.

A pretty leafy linen in pale blue.  Either combined for the wintery Changeling or on it's own.

The picture on the left is of a pale pink linen with embroidered flowers.  It will become a dress (probably pillowcase style) for my baby niece!

The picture on the right is a soft fleecy fabric that will be a baby blanket for the same little one.  It's way more than I need so I don't know what else yet.

Pale pink satin.  I imagine it will become something for Burlesque. 

More silvery sparkles.  Only about a yard.  Possible winter Changeling.  Or maybe Burlesque.  I suppose we'll see won't we. 

Here are all the fabrics that I felt might be layered in a costume for a winter Changeling.  Something in the style of a kimono or that at least has a similar feel.

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