Sunday, August 26, 2012

Atlanta by Night: The Scale Dress (Fabric)

The other day Vic and I were shopping for fabric so that I can make him a red cassock for AbN.  I didn't really have the money to get the fabric for my scale dress but I figured that since we were there I might as well take a look up and down the aisles to at least get an idea of what I might be able to use to create the look I wanted for the dress.  Little did I know that I was about to encounter my soul-mate of fabrics.  I had seen a couple of gold silks that were lovely but as I rounded the corner of the third or fourth row I came face to face with the most glorious fabric I could ever imagine.  It was perfect.  Gold and bronze and snake-scaled.  I was in love.  I knew that my AbN dress had to be made from this fabric and there was no way it could be any different.  So I looked at the price (30% off of 12.99/yd) and began to think of the quickest way to get this amazing fabric in my life.  Vic offered to split half the cost with me as part of my birthday present and I was confident that I could come up with the other half with no problem.  Success...sort of. 


Friday I came home to a birthday surprise.  5 yards of the very same fabric I coveted.  Best. birthday. present. EVAR!

How amazing is this fabric!!!!

Four exclamation points.  That's how amazing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Atlanta by Night: The Scale Dress

So originally I had not planned to make anything new for Atlanta by Night.  Partly because I hadn't really been inspired, partly because of saving money and partly because I've made so many wonderful things that I want to wear again.

Well, lovely people, as you can imagine I wouldn't be writing this post if I hadn't changed my mind.  The dress that I will be making will be inspired by one of the gowns worn by Dame Vaako in The Chronicles of Riddick.  It's all Vic's fault.  Apparently it was on AMC today and he told me that Anat needed her gold dress.  I looked up pictures and immediately concluded that he was right.


Luckily the dresses construction should be fairly simple.  The design is exactly like the lace dress, but with different fabric.  I'd love to do the spine plates but I'm not sure what I would make them out of.  I may try to come up with something that will have a similar effect. of the dress.

 I've uploaded this picture because you can see the back of the dress (the middle one) fairly well.  Now I just need to figure out exactly how I want to accomplish this look.
 The full dress.  I'll have to find some neat jewelry to go with it as well.  Hmmm...